Drug & Alcohol Intervention Strategies

Drug and alcohol abuse is a big problem. If you have a family or friend you are afraid is following a dangerous path then you need to do something about it. An intervention is a popular way to get the abuser to seek treatment. Here are some ways to make an intervention go smoothly.

Someone They Trust

According to druginterventions(dot)net, "If an intervention is done by someone the addict particularly trusts, it has a greater chance of being successful." You must stop protecting the abuser from consequences. Allowing the behavior to go on makes the addict think that what he or she is doing is okay. If there are no consequences then why stop? Enabling an addict's behavior is the worst possible thing you can do for their disease.

Do Not Wait

Do not wait any longer. The longer you wait the worse the consequences can get. Line up a treatment center and have a bag already packed for your family member or friend. This may be hard, but sometimes tough loves is the only thing that will work.


Drug-alcohol-intervention.com suggests some books to read on the subject. Intervention: How to Help Someone Who Doesn't Want Help by Vernon Johnson is only $10.17 on Amazon.com. Another Amazon pick is Love First: A Family's Guide to Intervention by Jeff Jay that sells for $10.85.

Counselor Present

It is usually good to have a counselor present at the intervention, along with a group of family and friends. Try to keep the abuser calm by telling them this is out of love. Assure them that you are worried about their well being as much as your own. Tell them how their abuse has affected you, tell them that you are not going to take it anymore and they should not either. Do not give an ultimatum.

More to Know

An intervention is an important step if you want your loved one to recover. It is hard and sometimes heartbreaking to go through an intervention. Your loved one will most likely resist and try to convince you that they do not have a problem. Do not let them try and sway your decision. Stick to it, in the end you will be glad you did.


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